
马来西亚选举之怎样投票。How to Vote in Election, Malaysia

Voting is one of the responsibility as a national.

If you are a fresh voter in Malaysia, below videos are worth to watch to have a clearer understanding about voting in Malaysia.

However, if you have not registered as a voter yet, it's too late as the registration take 3 months time to process (But you still encouraged to register for next voting). If you have registered, what is your election voting area? You can know it by following below steps.

Step 1:登入选举委员会(Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya)的官方网站. Visit SPR official Website : http://www.spr.gov.my/ ;

Step 2:点击右手边“Semakan Daftar Pemilih”. Click "Semakan Daftar Pemilih" on the right hand site of the web page (The layout might change from time to time);

Step 3:视窗会呈现“选民登记查询(Semakan Daftar Pemilih)”的画面,输入身份证号码,然后“Semak”即可。It will pop-up a window as shown, key in the IC number you want to know. Then click "Semak". Done.

人民只是要一个干净的选举,就让行动来告诉政府人民的心声,action speak louder。


终于,首相纳吉在4月3日宣布国会解散。亚航(Air Asia)立即便在官方网站为海外合格选民带来了以优惠机价飞回国投票的好消息(只是单程机票有优惠)。一些优惠地区包括了澳洲各大城市,例如珀斯(Perth)、墨尔本(Melbourne)、黄金海岸(Gold Coast)以及悉尼(Sydney);日本的东京(Tokyo)与大阪(Osaka);中国地区的成都、杭州、北京以及上海;韩国首尔;以及台北。但要注意的是,该优惠只限于飞往吉隆坡为的航线。


With the dissolved of Dewan Rakyat, Air Asia lunched the new of "Fly Home to Vote campaign" for oversea voters to fly home with offer price. Travel dates will be announced once the election dates are confirmed. What the oversea voters need to do to get this offer is to visit AirAsia official website: http://www.airasia.com/my/en/fly-home-to-vote.page and register one of the member of the campaign. AirAsia will email the registered members for details once election date confirmed.

Please note that cities that deserve this offer are Perth, Melbourne, Gold Coast, Sydney, Tokyo, Osaka, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Seoul, Taipei (One way only). Also, it's only valid for the fly to Kuala Lumpur (KL).


