浮罗交怡是马来西亚最有名的岛屿之一,常年吸引了不少国内外游客到此一游,包括小流氓。浮罗交怡地形较平,不过也有数座山于岛上,其中最著名的是玛景樟山(Gunung Machinchang),因为岛上的重点旅游区--浮罗交怡缆车(Langkawi Cable Car/Panorama Langkawi Cable Car 又叫 SkyCab)和吊桥(SkyBridge)就位于这座山峰上。
Langkawi Island is one of the famous island in Malaysia. There are few mountain at Langkawi but the Mount Manchinchang is most well-known among all, this is due to Mount Manchinchang is the location of Langkawi main attraction -- Langkawi Cable Car (also named Panorama Langkawi Cable Car or SkyCab).
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Langkawi Cable Car was the first place I visited when I traveled to the island, because...:
- 最热门景点。浮罗交怡缆车乃是岛上最热门的景点,老土也要说一句“没有上过玛景樟山不算来过浮罗交怡”(OK,这很不“背包客精神”,所以吾是“游客”)。Langkawi Cable Car is the most popular attraction in Langkawi.
- 小时候的梦想。小时候只能通过眼睛“体验”浮罗交怡,此次有机会到此一游当然要到当地最热门的景点留下脚印。I knew this place via old text book when I was a kid, this was the good chance for me to view how is the real look of it compared to picture on the book.
- 独一无二的视觉享受。拥有亿年的山脉,海域,和山谷尽收眼帘。A good travel experience where we can see the mountains, sea, forest, and valley at once.
- 架势堂吊桥。吊桥(SkyBridge)于2009年被列为地球上第三名“最怪异的10大吊桥(World's Ten Strangest Bridges)”。Langkawi SkyBridge listed no.3 in "World's Ten Strangest Bridges".
话说德士 (计程车/Taxi) 是浮罗交怡唯一陆上公共交通,不过在这里最方便的旅游方式莫过于租一辆汽车或电单车在岛上窜行,那才是浮罗交怡最“屌”的旅游方式。从地图上看,它就位于浮罗交怡西北方,以下是从机场和岛上各市镇到“岛上最热门的景点”的距离:
- 从浮罗交怡机场: 12公里(约17分钟车程);
- 从瓜镇(Kuah Town): 29公里(34分钟的车程);
- 从 Cenang Beach : 18公里(约24分钟的车程)。
缆车(接下来就称它为“SkyCab”好了)的缆线长达2.2公里,是云顶高原缆车的分之二的长度(云顶的是3.38公里,为“东南亚最长”);于12年前(2002年)11月正式启用并以太阳能发电。Sky Cab 共有3个缆车站,分别是:山麓站/Base Station,中站/Middle Station,上站/Top Station。乘客必须程达两段车程方能抵达吊桥(Sky Bridge),第一段车程是从山麓站到中站;然后第二站是从中站到上站。
The best way to travel around Langkawi Island is to rent a car or motorbike, taxi is available too but it's inconvenient if you wanted to visit few places, also lack of private time along the road. Mount Manchincang is located on the Northwest of Langkawi, the SkyCab lane is 2.2 km in length, operation has been started since November 2002. There are three stations along the lane which are: Base Station, Middle Station and Top Station.
山麓站既是售票区,也是位于玛景樟山山脚东方公园(Oriental Village)的所在处。从山麓到中站的缆线长度为1700米,中站位于海拔650米的高处,在这里游客已经可以感受到身在高山中的爽快感。而上站位于玛景樟山的半山,也是这里我们脚底能触及的最高处,也就是海拔708米的高度,温度是5摄氏左右。
The Base Station is conveniently located on foothill of the Machincang mountain, also the entrance where place of ticket selling, in addition, the location of Oriental Village. The journey from the Base Station to Middle Station will cover 1,700 meters in length and upon reaching the Middle Station at an elevation of 650 meters above sea level, visitors will be able to alight and walk up to the viewing platform. The Top Station offer refreshment and views with cool breezes, at 708 meters above ea level is about 5 degrees Celsius cooler than lowlands.
A gondola max for 6 passengers, it's fully occupied by us and other 3 visitors from Thailand that day. It's an exhilarating experience when the forest was under my feet; Seven Well Waterfall was clearly appeared like a mystery pool found in forest. Along the way, the panoramic view of the main island and islands surrounding were just enjoyable, also amazed by the unique flora on the ridges and the forested valley.
抵达上站,迎面而来是阵阵让人心旷神怡的冷风,虽因有雾而能见度稍低,但能够站在这个观望台不是一件理所当然的事。话说当局会在下起大雨或吹起强风或有打雷时停止让游客乘坐Sky Cab(更不用提Sky Bridge);而一个星期还会关闭一天以进行维修保养工作(保养维修时间表看这里),因此也可称它为“看天气脸色的旅游景点”。然而,最刺激的是抵达上站后须步行一段依山而建的阶梯方能抵达的吊桥(接下来就称它为 Sky Bridge 好了)。
We felt lucky able to visit to SkyCab, this is due to the service will close while there is raining, strong wind, or thunder, for the purpose of visitors' safety. In addition, they will perform weekly maintenance work, do check thr schedule here(2014) before get there.
在那短短(阶梯)的路程里,是游客能够与这拥有亿年的山最靠近的时候(还有Jungle Tracking 哦?),一时还能发现一些长在山里的稀奇植物。然而,更稀奇的应该是 Sky Bridge 的建筑设计,谷歌搜索是这样形容它的“这座独特的斜拉桥仅由一个支持梁支撑,这个95码(Yard:1 码/Yard=3英尺/ft)的支撑梁由8个负载平衡(load balance)电缆构成。弯曲的人行天桥跨度为125米,它的长度约为136码,宽度约为2码。这座1.8米宽的天桥为游客提供了2个3.6米宽的三角观景平台。”。Sky Bridge 横跨浮罗交怡岛的峡谷,也是马来西亚最大的岛桥,曲线设计的观景平台让游客能从不同角度观看不同的景致。小流氓“雾里看景”地欣赏拥有450亿年之久的野林岩壁,远眺安达曼海(Andaman)以及泰国南部群岛,景色是如此地引人入胜。
可惜的是,根据星洲日报今年2月24日的报道。Sky Bridge 因维修工程延误已经关闭长达一年半,效率实在让人质疑,报道还指出他们必须向中央政府申请维修资金集和要从瑞士聘请专才(看完整报道)。希望管理公司好好管理这个绝佳的旅游胜地。无论如何,目前到访的游客依然可以乘坐Sky Cab的。
有些景点你不去,以后或许就没有机再去了。Sky Bridge 就是一个贴切的例子,管理公司在过去1年半还未把吊桥修好,不晓得未来的一年半是否能够成功,虽然报道指年尾有望重开啦。
Langkawi Sky Bridge is a 125 meters curved pedestrian cable-stayed bridge in Malaysia, completed in 2005. It's located 700 meters above sea level at the peak of Mount Chinchang on Langkawi Island. You will also be able to catch a glimpse of the flora and fauna that surrounds the area. However, it is not accessible at the moment, informed by management that the Sky Bridge is undergoing renovations and maintenance.
The admission fees of the Langkawi Cable Car :-
Adults - MYR30.00 (Malaysian - MYR15.00), Children - MYR20.00 (Malaysian - MYR5.00)
(But the signage never stated the admission fee for Malaysian)
Operating Hour :-
Monday – Thursday * 10:00am - 06:00pm (* Last admission at 6:00pm and last trip down at 7:00pm)
Wednesday * 12:00pm - 06:00pm (* Last admission at 6:00pm and last trip down at 7:00pm)
Friday – Sunday & Public Holiday ** 09:30am - 07:00pm (** Last admission at 7:00pm and last trip down at 7:45pm)
Visitors are advise to call before visiting to avoid disappointment.
Panorama Langkawi Sdn Bhd, Cable Car Station, Oriental Village, Burau Bay, 07000 Langkawi, Kedah, MALAYSIA.
T:[6]04-959 4225/1225; F:[6]04-959 1121/4121
Email: info@panoramalangkawi.com