不知道你申请了吗?智能手机200令吉回扣是马来西亚2013年财务预算案其中一项惠及人民的计划,名为“青年通讯计划(Pakej Komunikasi Belia / Youth Communication Package aka YCP)”,就简称YCP吧。YCP的主要目的是提高年轻一群的生活水准,同时提倡电子商务的发展。有关单位(马来西亚通讯多媒体委员会/The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission aka MCMC/Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia aka SKMM)在2012年宣布,民众可在2013年1月1日至2013年12月31日期间做出申请,以先到先得在方式或直到拨款马币300千分配完为止。
Applicant can apply for Youth Communication Package (YCP) / Pakej Komunikasi Belia (PKB) starting from 1 January 2013 until 31 December 2013.This scheme is on a first-come-first served basis and will be for the first 1.5 million eligible youths who may claim their smartphones while stocks last or until the allocated RM300 million being used up.
YCP 申请资格。Criteria(s) to get RM200 rebate for YCP:
1. 年龄介于21-30岁的马来西亚公民。
Malaysian aged between 21-30 on the date of application.
2. 月薪介于3千令吉或以下。
Monthly income of RM 3,000 and below (gross income).
3. 一人只允许申请购买一支智能手机。
Each person only can apply for one phone.
4. 申请者可选择任何款式的智能手机。
Can purchase any 3G smartphones regardless of price.
5. 必须同时申请配套(已是该电讯公司配套使用者就不必另外申请)。
Applicant required to subscribe to broadband packages offered by service providers (Don't need to sign up for another broadband package if applicant is already the user of the service provider).
指定电讯服务公司代表有(附网站链接)。Representatives / Service Providers (with direct link):- Maxis (明讯)
- DiGi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd
- Celcom Axiata Berhad (天地通)
- U Mobile
- YTL Communications
- Tune Talk
- Clixster
- Packet One
* 申请者也可选择在 SENHENG/Sen Q 购买智能手机,只是可能选项有限,提供的配套是 U Mobile。
This rebate can be claim at SENHENG/Sen Q outlets too, but the choices might be limited, the broadband provider will be U Mobile.
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The scheme can use to purchase any Smartphones now. |
YCP 申请程序。Process Apply for YCP :
- i. 首先必须登入 SKMM 的官网做出 Pre-registration,可立即或通过电邮知道申请结果。申请失败者可在一个月后做出第二次申请。Applicant need to make a pre-registration on SKMM official website. If the status is successful, it's shown immediately and/or through e-mail. If the status is unsuccessful, applicant can make second attempt after 1 month.
- ii. 打印申请结果(并在3个月内使用该申请,否则将作废,必须再次提出申请)。Print out the status and make redemption within 3 months. Else, it will be cancel and applicant required to apply again.
- iii. 在电讯服务公司,申请者可当下选购智能手机,然后购买时出示身份证/申请结果(主要是No Rujukan) 给指定电讯服务公司,剩余的差额需自行填补。Applicant can visit any representatives (service providers) for the purchase with bring along the printout (for the reference number) and identity card.
Step 1: 登入网站:http://www.skmm.gov.my/ 或 komunikasibelia.skmm.gov.my/
选项 “工作人士(Borang Permohonan Dalam Talian: Pekerja)” 或 “学生(Borang Permohonan Dalam Talian: Pelajar)”。
Go in website: http://www.skmm.gov.my/ or komunikasibelia.skmm.gov.my/
Then click "Borang Permohonan Dalam Talian: Pekerja" or "Borang Permohonan Dalam Talian: Pelajar".
Step 2: 完成 "Maklumat Pemohon", "Maklumat Komunikai", "Maklumat Pekerjaan" and "Pengesahan"即可。
Fill in the details of "Maklumat Pemohon", "Maklumat Komunikai", "Maklumat Pekerjaan" and "Pengesahan".
* Maklumat Pekerjaan 需要公积金(EPF),缴税号码(No. Fail LHDN - Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negara)。EPF and No. Fail LHDB number are required.
* 该网站于11.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. 关闭。This website is closed at 11.00 p.m. - 7.00 a.m.
* 如果想要在更换通讯配套后保持现有号码,需先向服务供应商进行电话号码可携式服务(Mobile Number Portability, MNP)。If applicant want to use their existing number for this application. Applicant required to make Mobile Number Portability (MNP) in advance at any service provider outlets before signing up for a new one.
申请失败原因。What cause the registration fail:
- 不符合资格。Do not meet the criteria set.
- 身份证号码,税收文件号码或公积金号码无效。IC, EPF, or No. Fail LHDB number given invalid.
- 较早前已提出申请。Apply more than once.
Contact below for more inquiries:
Monday to Friday
8.30 a.m. to 5.20 p.m.