纽约时报(New York Times)在1月6日列出了45个“2012必去的地方”(New York Times The 45 Places To Go in 2012)。
纽约时报(New York Times)“2012必去旅游景点”十大如下(附图):
1. Panama (巴拿马)
“Go for the canal. Stay for everything else.” 2. Helsinki, Finland (芬兰首都赫尔辛基) “Design. Design. Design. Aesthetics fuel a new cool."
3. Myammar (缅甸)
"Back on the tourist map after being off-limits for years." 4. London (伦敦)
"The Olympics! The Queen! Charles Dickens turns 200!" 5. Oakland,California (加利福尼亚州奥克兰)
"New restaurants and bars beckon amid the grit." 6. Tokyo (东京)
“With some tourists slow to return, greater opportunities for those who do.” 7. Tanzania (坦桑尼亚)
“Coming into its own as an upscale safari destination.” 8. Chilean Patagonia (智利的巴塔哥尼亚)
“Proof that adventure doesn’t have to mean roughing it.” 9. Lhasa, Tibet (西藏拉萨)
“New luxury hotels bring respite — and controversy.”
10. Havana, Cuba (古巴哈瓦那)
“The Cuban capital is once again within Americans’ reach.” 马六甲,
半山芭监牢 (Penjara Pudu) 的吉隆坡,不要再没有了
苏丹街 (Jalan Sultan)。