8TV host, Cherly Lee Xin Yi said "It's good to be Malaysian". I agree with this statement, as a Malaysian, we can choose to go for shopping, hiking or beach on weekend.
距离吉隆坡市区一个半小时车程的马六甲海峡除了有先前博过的摩立海滩(Pantai Morib aka Morib Beach),往南下的方向走,便有丹绒士拔(Tanjung Sepat)> 再来是 Bagan Lalang (雪邦黄金海岸) > 然后是 Port Dickson (波徳申 )。而丹绒士拔和 Bagan Lalang 是今天的主题。
Along the Strait of Malacca that 1.5 hour's drive from Kuala Lumpur (KL) city, there are few ideal locations for tourist to get getaway. It's including Pulau Ketam (Point A as in below image), Pantai Morib (Morib Beach) (Point B) , Tanjung Sepat (Point C), Bagan Lalang (Point D) and Port Dickson (Negeri Sembilan) (Point E).
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Map and attractions along the Strait of Malacca. |
丹绒士拔(Tanjung Sepat)是一个以华人居多的渔村,早年居民多为渔业为生。不过,因为海水污染的关系,Tanjung Sepat 从事渔业的居民逐渐减少。但人对环境的适应能力是非常强的,除了捕鱼业,当地居民还经营果园,灵芝园(农业活动);木薯厂,鱼丸厂(小型工厂);家庭是工业的咖啡豆,东炎酱(Tom Yam Paste);也出产自己 (Tanjung Sepat) 的土产,餐馆和民宿等等的发展,使这里成为了一个多元生态和美食之旅的好去处。
Tanjung Sepat is a fishing town, fishing is their main source of income earlier. However, the fishing industry has been dwindling due to pollution. The residents are now making money as a farmer, by operating a factory, having a small business and so on. These make Tanjung Sepat become a famous place for day trip.
海友兴包店 > 裕发传统咖啡粉厂 > 灵芝园 > 丹绒士拔木薯厂 > 果园 > 火龙果园 > 情人桥 > 吃海鲜 > Bagan Lalang 海皮。
Hai Yew Heng > Jo Faa Coffee Factory > Ganoderma Garden > Orchard > Dragon Fruit Garden > Tanjung Sepat Couple Bridge > Sea Foods > Beaches.
海友兴(又称海南包)包店是每一位游客必到的地方,基于两点,一是它的地点佳(位于 Tanjung Sepat 新村主要街道),二是它的知名度。海友兴包店的包点口味分别有生肉包、豆沙包、菜包、加央包,花生包,而最受欢迎的是梅菜包。
Hai Yew Heng (also known as Hailam Bao) is well-known with their homemade bun ("Pao"), and the Mei Cai Bao (Vege with Prok) is most welcomed among 6 tastes (The other are Shen Rou Bao (Meant bun), Kaya Bap, Dou Sa Bao (Green Beans), Vegetable Bao, and Peanut Bao).
Tanjung Sepat 手工海友包目录价钱表。提防假冒,请认明包纸。。。
We reached Hai Yew Heng quite early that day, but we were shocked when the worker told us that we have to wait if we want the bun on the spot. They even show us the pre-order listing and advise us to order first and come back for collection later. Therefore, you can see the workers are very busy making the bun in the premise.
Initially, Hai Yew Heng was located at the old-styled coffee shop (Kopitiam) which is just opposite of the miniature factory. The miniature factory was built on few years ago due to the needs of business extension. According to them, they have also opened a branch in KL area. However, I ate my first Hai Yew Heng bun at the old-styled kopitiam, the taste was just "OK", I have forgotten which taste I took, apparently it's not Mei Cai Bao (Vege with pork).
Some poster of Hong Kong celebrities eating Hai Yew Heng Bun. (Over~) |
到 Tanjung Sepat 必喝。
Some cut and paste regarding the stall. |
The taste of a fruit juice at Tanjung Sepat is surprisingly nice and I'd like to highly recommend it to my blog reader. The fruit named Ampula (Ambarella, Buah Kedondong in Bahasa Malaysia), the taste is sour and it's very refreshing to have it under the hot weather. I like it a lot as it's not commonly found in city area.
Some sort of info about Ampula. The aroma taste like green apple. |
在KL住了那么久都不曾去过啊~~ 现在回来槟城要去的话应该更难了~~T___T