抵达曼谷的第二天,Chatuchak 成为了此游的第一站。我们一早便抵达 Chatuchak,成为这里的第一批客人。早上的 Chatuchak 比较好逛,稀少的人群和凉爽的天气。无论如何,一个早上是不足于我们逛完整个 Chatuchak。5个小时下来,我们从生龙活虎逛到腿软(shop until we drop)。随着太阳位置的上升,Chatuchak 的人潮也随着增加,然后仰成一片人海,我们也开始汗流浃背了起来。
Chatuchak 是小流氓出乎意料的庞大,很多时候,小流氓不知道自己的正确位置。因此,“看到喜欢的就买”成为了逛 Chatuchak 的第一原则。因为如果错过了你喜爱的商品,回头买是一件很困难的事,耗时耗力是一回事,认不认得路又是另外一回事。况且 Chatuchak 不乏商人的自创品牌,所以货物的重复率很低。
这里的小贩大多数都很亲切,很多都有“四万个笑口”。有的小贩还会在一单买卖成功交易后,使用金钱“点触”他们售卖的商品,然后喃喃有词,然后做出 a gesture of gratitude,说是“Good luck”的意思,从所未见。
另外,在 Chatuchak 买裤子也是一件有趣的事情。由于许多店面都没有设更衣间,所以如果想要试穿衣裤,必须当众“脱”。当然店家还是有准备纱笼给顾客“包围下半身”。无论如何,这是小流氓第一次经历“当众脱”,然而在那股买劲下也没有什么不好意思的了。
Street view (Chatuchak, Bangkok) |
- Chatuchak 是泰国也是世界上最大的周末市场(World largest weekend market)
- 估计最少有一万五千(15000)个档口
- 唯有周末才会全部档口都开市
- 营业时间:Saturdays and Sundays, 09:00 - 18:00, and Fridays 18:00 - 24:00. (Plant sections are also open on Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 07:00 - 18:00)
- Information kiosk
- Money Changer
- Courier services
- Toilet
Too much things? No worry, the courier services could help you (Chatuchak, Bangkok) |
Life is difficult (Chatuchak, Bangkok) |
The inner view, some of the shops are air-conditioned, but very rare. (Chatuchak, Bangkok) |
- All the things you can think of (Book, Clothing & Accessories, Handicrafts, Furniture & Home Decoration, Food & Beverage, Art & Gallery) and
- The things you had never think of (Plants & Gardening tools, Antiques & Pets).
There are many tips shared on the internet. However, below are the most important tips based on my own experience.
1. Get a Chatuchak map of from information kiosk at the entrance.
2. Ideal shopping time will be the morning, best to reach at 7 or 8 a.m. to avoid crowd and hot weather
3. Wear casually to ease the clothes try
4. Bring backpack to carry your new find items
5. Bring enough cash
6. Drink enough water
7. Know what you want and where to go by referring to following listing:
Clothing & Accessories (sections 2-6, 10-26)
Handicrafts (sections 8-11)
Ceramics (sections 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 25)
Furniture and Home Decoration (sections 1,3,4,7,8)
Food and Beverage (sections 2, 3, 4, 23, 24, 26, 27)
Plants and Gardening tools (sections 3, 4)
Art and Gallery (section 7)
Pets and Pet Accessories (sections 8, 9, 11, 13)
Books (sections 1, 27)
Antiques and Collectibles (sections 1, 26)
Miscellaneous and Used Clothing (sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 22, 25, 26)
Take a rest when you are tired and drink more water, sick could spoil your excursion. (Chatuchak, Bangkok) |
Most of the clothing stalls have their own branded which is not found on other places (Chatuchak, Bangkok) |
有关交通 . How to Get to Chatuchak:
- By skytrain BTS: Hop on the skytrain (BTS) to Mo Chit station, take exit no. 1 and follow the crowd until you see rows of canvas stalls selling clothes. Turn right while continuing to follow the crowd and you will see a small entrance that leads into the market (clothing section);
- By MRT: To take the subway (MRT) to Chatuchak Park station (exit no.1), then follow the crowd until you arrive at the small entrance that leads into the market (clothing section). For the plant and flower section, get off at Kampheng Phet MRT station (exit no. 1).
- By Taxi or Tuk Tuk (if you are nearby) - The way I got to and off of Chatuchak.
The crowd-less street view at the morning - 11 a.m. (Chatuchak, Bangkok) |
The crowed street view at the afternoon - 3 p.m. (Chatuchak, Bangkok) |
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Chatuchak map (credit) |