
青年通讯计划申请。SKMM RM200 Smartphone Rebate for Youths

不知道你申请了吗?智能手机200令吉回扣是马来西亚2013年财务预算案其中一项惠及人民的计划,名为“青年通讯计划(Pakej Komunikasi Belia / Youth Communication Package aka YCP)”,就简称YCP吧。YCP的主要目的是提高年轻一群的生活水准,同时提倡电子商务的发展。有关单位(马来西亚通讯多媒体委员会/The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission aka MCMC/Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia aka SKMM)在2012年宣布,民众可在2013年1月1日至2013年12月31日期间做出申请,以先到先得在方式或直到拨款马币300千分配完为止。

Applicant can apply for Youth Communication Package (YCP) / Pakej Komunikasi Belia (PKB) starting from 1 January 2013 until 31 December 2013.This scheme is on a first-come-first served basis and will be for the first 1.5 million eligible youths who may claim their smartphones while stocks last or until the allocated RM300 million being used up.

YCP 申请资格。Criteria(s) to get RM200 rebate for YCP:

1. 年龄介于21-30岁的马来西亚公民。
 Malaysian aged between 21-30 on the date of application.
2. 月薪介于3千令吉或以下。 
Monthly income of RM 3,000 and below (gross income).
3. 一人只允许申请购买一支智能手机。
Each person only can apply for one phone.
4. 申请者可选择任何款式的智能手机。
Can purchase any 3G smartphones regardless of price.
5. 必须同时申请配套(已是该电讯公司配套使用者就不必另外申请)。
Applicant required to subscribe  to broadband packages offered by service providers (Don't need to sign up for another broadband package if applicant is already the user of the service provider).

指定电讯服务公司代表有(附网站链接)。Representatives / Service Providers (with direct link)

* 申请者也可选择在 SENHENG/Sen Q 购买智能手机,只是可能选项有限,提供的配套是 U Mobile。
This rebate can be claim at SENHENG/Sen Q outlets too, but the choices might be limited, the broadband provider will be U Mobile.

The scheme can use to purchase any Smartphones now. 

YCP 申请程序。Process Apply for YCP :
  • i.  首先必须登入 SKMM 的官网做出 Pre-registration,可立即或通过电邮知道申请结果。申请失败者可在一个月后做出第二次申请。Applicant need to make a pre-registration on  SKMM official website. If the status is successful, it's shown immediately and/or through e-mail. If the status is unsuccessful, applicant can make second attempt after 1 month.
  • ii. 打印申请结果(并在3个月内使用该申请,否则将作废,必须再次提出申请)。Print out the status and make redemption within 3 months. Else, it will be cancel and applicant required to apply again.
  • iii. 在电讯服务公司,申请者可当下选购智能手机,然后购买时出示身份证/申请结果(主要是No Rujukan) 给指定电讯服务公司,剩余的差额需自行填补。Applicant can visit any representatives (service providers) for the purchase with bring along the printout (for the reference number) and identity card.

SKMM Pre-registration申请方式如下:
Step 1: 登入网站:http://www.skmm.gov.my/ komunikasibelia.skmm.gov.my/
选项 “工作人士(Borang Permohonan Dalam Talian: Pekerja)” 或 “学生(Borang Permohonan Dalam Talian: Pelajar)”。
Go in website: http://www.skmm.gov.my/ or komunikasibelia.skmm.gov.my/
Then click "Borang Permohonan Dalam Talian: Pekerja" or "Borang Permohonan Dalam Talian: Pelajar".

Step 2: 完成 "Maklumat Pemohon", "Maklumat Komunikai", "Maklumat Pekerjaan" and "Pengesahan"即可。
Fill in the details of "Maklumat Pemohon", "Maklumat Komunikai", "Maklumat Pekerjaan" and "Pengesahan".

* Maklumat Pekerjaan 需要公积金(EPF),缴税号码(No. Fail LHDN - Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negara)。EPF and No. Fail LHDB number are required.
* 该网站于11.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. 关闭。This website is closed at 11.00 p.m. - 7.00 a.m.
* 如果想要在更换通讯配套后保持现有号码,需先向服务供应商进行电话号码可携式服务(Mobile Number Portability, MNP)。If applicant want to use their existing number for this application. Applicant required to make Mobile Number Portability (MNP) in advance at any service provider outlets before signing up for a new one.

申请失败原因。What cause the registration fail:
  • 不符合资格。Do not meet the criteria set.
  • 身份证号码,税收文件号码或公积金号码无效。IC, EPF, or No. Fail LHDB number given invalid.
  • 较早前已提出申请。Apply more than once.

Contact below for more inquiries:
Monday to Friday 
8.30 a.m. to 5.20 p.m.


丹绒士拔一日游(三)果园。Tanjung Sepat One Day Trip 3 @ Selangor

前文提及村民正积极推广“丹绒士拔多元生态之旅”,其中当然少不了果园。这里著名的果园位于离丹绒士拔(Tanjung Sepat)约20公里外的雪邦(Sepang)和双溪比力(Sungai Pelek) ,来回大约是50分钟的路程。


第三站:旺地本地龙眼果园(Wan Tee Longan Malaysia,Sungai Pelek)



除了Yan Kee,还有沙捞越凤梨。
This is not Yan Kee.

1. 龙眼

2. 凤梨
品种: Yan Kee 凤梨
收成季节: 5,6,10,11月




Wan Tee Longan Farm
2,Jalan 30,Taman Sri Sungai Pelek
43950 Sepang Selangor D.E.
电话: (012)385 2728 / (012)359 5462

第四站:日热红仙蜜果园 (Multi-Rich Pitaya Sdn Bhd)











发源于雪邦河(Sungai Sepang),是一种树木(马来文:Pokok Sepang,英文:Sappan Wood,中文:苏木,古时叫红木),可作木材,燃料,和药材之用。早期,雪邦是泥灰沼泽(Peat swamps)。

*双溪比力(Sungai Pelek)
Pelek 马来文是怪诞的意思,Sungai Pelek 就是“怪河”了。话说每当海水涨潮,海水倒流入双溪比力河形成溢流现象,以前的人不知就理,就会觉得怪诞。以前双溪比力被华人称叫“雪邦五支港”,皆因双溪比力距离雪邦五英里。

There are a lot of hot spots around Tanjung Sepat, but the orchards about 20 km away (approximately 25 minutes per trip) from Tanjung Sepat is one of the place not to be missed. Sugai Pelek and Sepang are popular with orchards. We visited "Wan Tee Longan Malaysia, Sungai Pelek" and "Multi-Rich Pitaya Sdn Bhd", it's the most welcomed orchards around the area.

"Wan Tee Longan Malaysia" runs by a father and a son, it has been about 10 years. They were starting by planting Longan, and later ventured into planting pineapple and passion fruit. They are very proud of the outcomes after so much efforts and time invested to cultivate the Longan and Yan Kee. It is very sweet and juicy, so fast winning the hearts of Klang Vallty folks. The Longan season is in the months of August/September; The Yan Kee season is in the months of May/June and October/November, when the harvest peaks.

"Multi-Rich Pitaya Sdn Bhd" is a Pitaya (Dragon Fruit) orchard. Dragon fruit is come from cacti that originated in Mexico and Central America. Dragon fruit trees bloom at night and for only one night, when they open, the white and cream blooms are spectacular and particularly fragrant. Except the Dragon fruit, you could also find Dragon fruit juice, dragon fruit ice cream and dragon fruit wine here. We only tried for their dragon fruit juice, it's a healthy drink but the one we tested here could be best if the taste was sweeter.


试喝阿发白咖啡。Ah Huat White Coffee Testimonial


As mentioned, this post is going to share my review regarding Ah Huat White Coffee. 

参考回上篇网友们的评论,都没有指出所品尝的是“阿发白咖啡(Ah Huat White Coffee)”的哪一个口味,因此各方意见可能会有所分歧。其实,阿发白咖啡有4种选择:

Ah Huat White Coffee consists of 4 type of flavor:

经典(Classic) (褐色包装)
特浓(Extra Rich) (深褐色包装)
低脂+糖(Low Fat + Sugar) (浅蓝色包装)
低脂无糖(Low Fat) (青色包装)


I did try for 3 out of 4 flavors.

经典(Classic):一口喝下,虽不失咖啡的香气和味道,但浓郁的奶精味使咖啡味不特出,是口味偏甜的咖啡。The taste is sweet for me, but it's far better than Nescafe for sure.
特浓(Extra Rich):一口喝下,真的很“Gao(浓)”。咖啡和甜味都十足,算是喝过即溶咖啡里数一数二的浓。It's tasty, both the coffee taste and sweetness are rich. But I prefer if the sweetness is lesser.
低脂+糖(Low Fat+Sugar):一口喝下,咖啡味没有“特浓”浓,但也没有“特浓”甜。因为少甜的关系,其咖啡味更为突出。是小流氓那杯咖啡。This is the best among all, it is not too sweet and you can taste a little bitterness of the coffee.

小流氓不是3合1(也称即溶)咖啡的粉丝,但大学寒窗苦读那3.5年,累积不少“3合1的经验(不是3P啦)”。其中Nescafe当时最出名,还有许多其他“杂牌”忘了名字,比较近的有 Old Town White Coffee 和Old Town White Coffee Huzelnut。Nescafe当年喝时觉得还不错喝,但近年即使买的是“特浓”,奶精的味道依然过浓于咖啡香,有偷工减料配方上作出更改的嫌疑。

I'm not the big fans of instant coffee. But I tried Nescafe, Old Town White Coffee, Old Town White Coffee Hazelnut and some other brands that had forgotten their name.


无论如何,有说即溶咖啡(Instant coffee)和即食面(Instant noodle)一样对身体无益。因此,小流氓经来常喝的是咖啡豆包装的 Aik Chang Kopi-O,是以前小时候大人泡咖啡的味道,有机会再分享。

Nevertheless, the coffee I recently drinking is named Aik Chang Kopi-O. It isn't instant coffee but a coffee bean in tea bag instead. This change is due to instant coffee is not good for health, just like the instant noodle.

最会补上一句,“HUAT AH,发啊”。恭祝各位博友,朋友新年发大财~


2013贺岁片二之西游.降魔篇。Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons (CNY Movie 2013)

《西游。降魔篇(Journey to The West)》不是第一部看的贺岁片,但电影却意外的好看。看了《西游。降魔篇》,有“星爷回来了”之感。电影里有许多久违的“星式”演绎,例如渔村那段有许多“路人演员”脸部大特写的镜头,凸显剧情情节气氛的拍摄手法,在其他电影里是很少见的。又例如黑店师兄妹对于容颜的对白,是搞笑也是自嘲。又例如让人喷饭“空虚公子(罗志祥)”的4名抬桥婢女,颠倒观众对传统美女的印象(何必太守旧?)










文章 - 唐三藏
舒淇 - 驱魔人
陈炳强 - 猪八戒 

黄渤 - 孙悟空
李尚正 - 沙僧




武来岸玉封石拿督庙。Broga Sak Dato Temple at Semenyih

“石拿督(Sak Dato Temple)”是武来岸(Broga)一间著名的庙宇,有愈140年的历史,春节期间香火鼎盛。石拿督位于雪(Selangor)森(Negeri Sembilan)边界,但依其注册地址,更准确为“属森美兰”。从灵市(Petaling Jaya)出发到石拿督,是大约50公里/50分钟的距离/路程;若果从Seremban出发,是大约35公里/40分钟的距离/路程,与以沙登(Serdang)作为出发点的距离相仿。

Sak Dato Temple is one of the main attractions at Broga, it sits on the Selangor and Negeri Sembilan border, 50 km/50 mins from Kuala Lumpur, KL; 35 km/40 mins from Seremban. It has been attracting tourists and worshippers by the thousands since it was expanded on 1990.

Nestled among undulating hills on the Selangor-Negeri Sembilan border.


The best visiting time would be at the morning, for the relaxing weather and misty mountain scenery. This place is much more than a worshiping place, it's also a famous place for local producer to do Chinese New Year Music Video (MV) filming.

The history of this temple can trace back to more than 100 years ago.
The prayer halls adorned with antique artefacts and intricate carvings.

It is nothing to shout about, but it is blessed with both natural and man-made attraction


The biggest differences between Sak Dato Temple and other temples is Sak Dato Temple do not have many fairy tale murals. It's adorned with stone sculpture and landscapes depicting characters and scenes from Chinese folklore and fairy tale. It's including Replicas of Local Fruits (symbolise vigour all year round.), Giant Peaches of Immortality, Chinese 12 Chinese Zodiac etc in the "The Kindness Fruit Garden" and "Dragon Gate" landscape gardens. The latest attractions are 340 ft. long suspension bridge, and 40 ft. height Sun Wu Kong (Monkey King) sculpture. 

When you reach the top of the hills, you will able to enjoy a spectacular panoramic view of Broga. 


The temple structures were designed by a Feng Shui master who stumbled upon a cave where the local folk had been worshipping the Sak Dato deity about hundred years ago. It's developed with many facilities like road and water supply from the overwhelming support of villagers, it's been getting famous since then. In the light of this development, the committee set out to channel the funds to the most deserving recipients and hence the Orchard of the Fruits of Kindness foundation was established in 1992.

Suspension bridge at Sak Dato Temple.

Suspension bridge at Sak Dato Temple.

Sak Dato Temple is now guarding by the Monkey King perched atop a mountain


Dato is actually a salutation (similar to Duke or higher). Sak Dato is an aborigine named "Sak Mun" adopted by Chinese family in Broga. He was very helpful and kind hearted. One day, he went to meditate and never came back to the village. Then one day his friend dreamt of him and informed that he was assigned by the God of Jade Emperor to be Dato and protect the land. His friend found his remains at the location he mentioned. As many people received his kindness and assistance before the people there worship him. 

The locals also believe Sak Dato protected them in many incidences ever since, especially during the time of Japanese Occupation.




There is Chinese New Year Dragon Dance at 7.30 a.m. on the first day (Chu Yi) of CNY every year.

Newly developed attraction - Paradise Valley Broga.

It's getting many food stalls at Broga village.

Herbal soup mee.
在士毛月乡村(Broga Hill 出大路的对面)吃过的药材汤面,药材味香,但味偏咸,摊贩却自夸其面在当地甚受欢迎。这碗可能是一时错手。

怎样去石拿督。How to go Sak Dato Temple?
No 42, Jalan Besar, Broga, 71750 Negeri Sembilan.
Opening hour: 7.30 a.m. - 11p.m. (Everyday)
Entrance fee: F.O.C.

2013贺岁片之百星酒店。Hotel Deluxe (CNY Movie 2013)

《百星酒店(Hotel Deluxe)》非小流氓杯中茶是意料中事。



P / S:电影里出现一句批为玩味的粤语字词--“栗姜”,什么是“栗姜”。



网友在论坛和部落格对于同一样产品的评价两面倒。I Observed a Negative Relationship between Comments about a Same Product on Forum and Blog

那天,小流氓上网寻找有关“A Huat 白咖啡”。谷歌搜寻结果显示,有关该产品的资料来源主要来自:A Huat 白咖啡的官方网站(既是Powerroot),论坛和部落格。游览一篇过后,小流氓发现一个现象:网友在论坛和部落格对于同一样产品的评价两面倒。

来看一看部分摘自Lowyat论坛对于“A Huat 白咖啡”的评论:

penisama: tipu manusia punya
edwardstevens: not good at all
BallCracker: i bought it last month...drink one cup....nothing so special about it....i might as well get back to old town white coffee...
Hollow21: Old Town > Ah Huat
narf03: if you dance like that while you drink, then very gooding, else, its just shiting.
fuzzy: Chek Hup > Hwei Hwang > Kopi Bru > Old Town > Ah Huat > Neskapi
rockpoper: Rubbish > Starbucks Coffee > Ah Huat
mazwan182: Aik Cheong>all coffee

来看一看部分摘自部落格留言对于“A Huat 白咖啡”的评论:

Simple Person: I tried it and it is good..
It is manufacture by Power Root.. I think they make a good decision for coming out a chinese name..
I got few packets and I bought for my friend in China .. and they love it..
mNhL: I tried it at Aeon too......very nice and smooth. But I did not buy coz I still have 2 packets (diff brands) of 3 in 1 not yet finished.
I like the jingles. Ah Niu sang very good.
Yan: Interesting. I must buy this coffee one day and try it myself. I am also a coffee lover.
Kitty: Will look out for this brand when I go shopping. I love coffee.
Agnes: First time I see this brand of coffee. I am a coffee lover too..have not seen it in the hypermarket here yet. If i see I sure buy to have a taste of it..
Andrew Wan:I always hear its advertisement from the radio. Really good? I only drink old town...gonna try this up and see.
Wabbitfoot: ya, i saw the advertisment as well. I was laughing non stop the first time i saw it. it's too funny ler...but i havent try it thou...
Sam yuk yuk now, wanna go buy one packet from gaint already. hehe
Libby: Gonna see if I can get this in JB when I go there this Friday! Huat ah! I take 3 in 1 coffee too.




~而小流氓却亲口试喝了各种口味的A Huat白咖啡,下回分享。I tried "A Huat White Coffee" before. How is it taste? Will share it on my next post.~
I tried to search for more about "A Huat White Coffee" that day. As per Google top-est search result, there are three main sources of it, which is official website of the product, forum and blogs. After a few viewing of the resources, I observed a negative relationship between comments about the same product on forum and blog.

Let's have a look on some of the comments retrieved from Lowyat Forum:

penisama: tipu manusia punya
edwardstevens: not good at all
BallCracker: i bought it last month...drink one cup....nothing so special about it....i might as well get back to old town white coffee...
Hollow21: Old Town > Ah Huat
narf03: if you dance like that while you drink, then very gooding, else, its just shiting.
fuzzy: Chek Hup > Hwei Hwang > Kopi Bru > Old Town > Ah Huat > Neskapi
rockpoper: Rubbish > Starbucks Coffee > Ah Huat
mazwan182: Aik Cheong>all coffee

This is some of the comments retrieved from a Blog:

Simple Person: I tried it and it is good..
It is manufacture by Power Root.. I think they make a good decision for coming out a chinese name..
I got few packets and I bought for my friend in China .. and they love it..
mNhL: I tried it at Aeon too......very nice and smooth. But I did not buy coz I still have 2 packets (diff brands) of 3 in 1 not yet finished.
I like the jingles. Ah Niu sang very good.
Yan: Interesting. I must buy this coffee one day and try it myself. I am also a coffee lover.
Kitty: Will look out for this brand when I go shopping. I love coffee.
Agnes: First time I see this brand of coffee. I am a coffee lover too..have not seen it in the hypermarket here yet. If i see I sure buy to have a taste of it..
Andrew Wan:I always hear its advertisement from the radio. Really good? I only drink old town...gonna try this up and see.
Wabbitfoot: ya, i saw the advertisment as well. I was laughing non stop the first time i saw it. it's too funny ler...but i havent try it thou...
Sam yuk yuk now, wanna go buy one packet from gaint already. hehe
Libby: Gonna see if I can get this in JB when I go there this Friday! Huat ah! I take 3 in 1 coffee too.

As you can see, Forum users tend to comment in a "direct" way. It's including some extremism comments. Nevertheless, Forum comments is pertinent by excluding those go to extreme. But it's ending with no positive comment.

Blog comments go to opposite. Some showing the same opinions as writer, most were showing their interest in the product and willing to give it a try. The conclusion is there is no negative comments about the product.

As for which to be trustworthy resource as an internet user? It's your decision.